For Meret Wandeler and Ulrich Görlich, the image archive of the Photographic Long-Term Observation forms the starting point for conceptual artistic works on urban space and its change. For each exhibition, a focus on content and a form of presentation tailored to the respective context are developed. This artistic work with the image archive will continue even after the long-term observation has been completed. Five selected exhibition contributions are presented below.
Concrete - Photography and Architecture
Fotomuseum Winterthur, March 2 to May 20, 2013, curated by Thomas Seelig.
Celebrating the 20th anniversary of Fotomuseum Winterthur, this large-scale exhibition explores the past and present of the multifaceted relationship between photography and architecture.
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Exhibition contribution by the photographic long-term observation: Digital slide show presented on four 40" flat screens.

From all 63 locations overview photographs from 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 are shown simultaneously on four monitors. The slides change every 40 sec and run in an endless loop.
Exhibition catalog: Daniela Janser, Thomas Seelig, Urs Stahel et al. (eds.): Concrete - Photography and Architecture. Scheidegger & Spiess: Zurich 2013.
Schlieren in transition 2005 to today. Evaluation of the urban development process.
Stadthaus Schlieren, September 2 to October 3, 2014, conceived by Barbara Meyer.
The exhibition presents to the residents the results of the comprehensive evaluation of urban development since 2005, which the City of Schlieren/Department of Building and Planning conducted in 2013 in collaboration with ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich and Planpartner AG.
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Exhibition contribution by the photographic long-term observation:
Digital slide show presented on five monitors (size 55 x 35 cm).

From all 63 locations overview photographs from 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 are shown simultaneously on four monitors. The slides change every 40 sec and run in an endless loop.
To Zurich. Controversies about the city - an anarchive
Zentrum Architektur Zürich ZAZ Bellerive, April 4 to August 25, 2019, curated by André Bideau, Daniel Bosshard, Christian Schmid.
The exhibition highlights milestones in the urban development of Zurich since the end of the 19th century, such as the construction of the lakeside complexes from 1882, cooperative housing construction in the interwar period, modernization through transportation infrastructures, and large-scale urbanization into today's metropolitan area, using models, plans, voting posters, photographs, and video footage.
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Exhibition contribution by the photographic long-term observation: Digital slide show presented on a monitor.

From 50 selected sites overview photographs from 2005 and 2017 are mounted side by side to form a diptych and run in an endless loop.
Paisajes enmarcados. Missiones fotográficas europeas 1984–2019. Framed landscapes. European photography commissions 1984–2019
Museo ICO Madrid, June 6-September 8, 2019, curated by Frits Gierstberg.
The exhibition presents eight large-scale long-term photographic projects from different regions of Europe, dealing with spatial transformations and supported by public or semi-public institutions and organizations, with works by more than fifty photographers from 1984-2019.
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Exhibition contribution by the photographic long-term observation:
Installation with 147 inkjet prints in the format 28.6 x 42 cm and 6 inkjet prints in the format 124 x 180 cm, map of Schieren, I-Pad.

Installed in the same grid and in the same image size of 28.6 x 42 cm, one block with overviews and one block with details create an overall picture of Schlieren's change from 2005 to 2017. On the wall with the overviews, 11 locations from different areas of the city can be seen in the horizontal, with the series of shots 2005-2017 of the respective location hung in chronological order in the vertical from top to bottom. The wall with the detailed photographs also shows a selection of photographs from different types of areas, whereby here the time axis runs from left to right. Opposite are large-format prints of individual photographs: A tryptich of overviews showing three different stages of development at this site, and three detail shots selected as examples. On an I-Pad, historical photographs from the1970s to the 1990s from Schlieren by local photographer Hans Bachmann can be seen.
Exhibition catalog: Frits Gierstberg (ed.): Paisajes enmarcados. Missiones fotográficas europeas 1984-2019. Framed landscapes. European photography commissions 1984-2019. Museo ICO: Madrid 2019.
Site visit. Long-term photographic observation Schlieren 2005-2020
Ortsmuseum Schlieren, September 3, 2022 to December 31, 2023, conceived by Meret Wandeler and Ulrich Görlich in collaboration with the Vereinigung Heimatkunde Schlieren.
The exhibition on the occasion of the reopening of the Local Museum traces the rapid development of Schlieren in the last 15 years in an exemplary way by means of 184 pictures and sketches a new view of today's Schlieren. The population gets a representative insight into the picture archive of the photographic long-term observation, which has been created since 2005.
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Installation with 193 inkjet prints in the format 28.5 x 42 cm, 13 inkjet prints in the format 57 x 84 cm, 4 inkjet prints in the format 85 x 126 cm, two plans and digital slide show on a monitor XX on two floors of the local museum.

Based on a continuous grid, thematically and formally different groups of images are installed throughout the house. These show exemplary essential aspects of the urban space in Schlieren and its changes. Overviews and detailed shots are combined or juxtaposed differently depending on the theme or area. The entire image archive of the overviews runs on a monitor.
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